Caring for Israel: Jon Stewart Interviews Human Rights Activists
Fading Print: How We Will Survive Without Newspapers
To save what’s left of the newspaper industry, serial entrepreneur Steve Brill has launched a new startup, Journalism Online, which will help news organizations charge for their digital content. So far he has convinced at least 506 people in America that this is a terrific idea. They’re all publishers who have agreed to participate in the venture, but you have to start somewhere, right?
In related news, the Associated Press says it’s on the verge of creating articles that can perform investigative journalism even after they’ve been filed—a “tracking beacon” embedded in these stories will alert the A.P. when websites quote them without authorization. Meanwhile, Dan Rather thinks we should add “editor in chief” to the growing list of Barack Obama’s duties. “I want the president to convene a nonpartisan, blue-ribbon commission to assess the state of the news as an institution and an industry and to make recommendations for improving and stabilizing both,” the former CBS anchorman said in an August Washington Post op-ed. “This is a crisis that, with no exaggeration, threatens our democratic republic at its core.”
Do you want to know the really bad news? Despite all the layoffs, buy-outs, and shutdowns that have afflicted the newspaper industry in the last year, there are still 46,700 newsroom employees working at the nation’s 1,411 dailies, according to the American Society of Newspaper Editors’ 2009 census. That means we’ve still got years of alarmist op-ed pieces, Hail Mary revenue schemes, and Hail Congress calls for subsidies and rule changes before every last school board meeting in America goes unmonitored and we descend into chaos, corruption, and life without paid classified ads.
Beato concludes:
Oh, for the days when the free and independent press was a little more circumscribed! That, in the end, is the theme that has always underscored the case for newspapers in the Web era, even when they weren’t on their deathbeds yet: We need them to protect us from how free and independent public discourse has become! But we don’t. Journalism may be in flux right now, but the long-term trend is toward more transparency, more news, a better-informed citizenry. We’re entering a new Light Ages, and when the last newspaper dies, thousands of sources will be rushing to break the sad news first. One of them might even be Dan Rather. His HDNet series Dan Rather Reports has a Twitter account, and one of his staffers posts to it regularly.
Read the full article here.
As you may know, at Derusha Publishing we are interested in making our content as freely available and accessible as technology (and each of our individual author's wishes) will allow. Our goal is to spread information, not monopolize it. Whether or not our colleagues in the media industry are "on the same page," we agree with Beato and believe that this the future of publishing.
Spirituality in Business: How to Maintain Perspective
A business person without emuna is miserable.A depressed and harried merchant once came to his rabbi. The rabbi's immediate spiritual prognosis was, "Your business and money problems result from the fact that you think you're the boss, and therefore all the worries are on your shoulders. You depend on your brains, your business acumen, and your talent, and therefore suffer bitter disappointments when things don't go the way you want them to. Even worse, you put your trust in people - customers, suppliers, banks, and the like - and they let you down, lie to you, and cheat you."The rabbi let his bombshell penetrate for a moment, and continued: "If you only realized that Hashem** runs your business, and you're only a mere clerk, then your job would become much simpler; you wouldn't need to worry, you wouldn't need to suffer, and you wouldn't need to lose your temper. As a clerk, you could concentrate on doing your job and let the Big Boss - Hashem - worry about the rest. Tons of pressure would fall off your shoulders.""How do I make Hashem the boss?" asked the businessman."Simple," answered the rabbi. "You tell Hashem, 'Master of the World, I want you to handle my affairs. I have no way of knowing whether the banks and the suppliers are giving me a square deal, or whether my customers intend to pay their bills and the like. You see everything, even the deepest thoughts of a person's heart. You know whether a prospective transaction will be profitable or not. I want You to make the decisions. Please, Father*** in Heaven, help me trust in You only. If a deal is no good, don't let it be completed; but, if a transaction is worthwhile, please, make it happen!"The businessman opened his eyes wide in amazement. "Rabbi, are you telling me that Hashem intervenes every time a housewife walks into my store?""You better believe it!" answered the rabbi. "Hashem puts the desire in her heart to purchase the exact product that's now on display in your storefront window. Hashem can also screen a prospective employee for you, or give you the wisdom to expand or limit the business in a profitable manner. If you consult Hashem before every transaction, put all your trust in Him and ask for His guidance, you're bound to succeed!"A businessperson that prays for enhanced emuna learns to manage affairs without stress and anxiety. When he puts his trust in Hashem, nothing upsets or frightens him.Basically, we can choose one of two paths in commercial life (or any other phase of life): Either we appoint Hashem as the Chief Executive Officer of our company/business/affairs - consequently enjoying a smooth and worry-free life - or we shoulder the problems on our own, with the accompanying stress, worries, nerves, and health problems.
Derusha Update: "Violence, Power, and Freedom"
Derusha Update: "Words, Dreams and Gifts"
Derusha Update: "Rejoice, Rejoice"
10 October 2009
=== Sharing And Celebrating As A Community (Sacks)
=== Holding On To Our Happiness Together (Faur)
=== The Holistic Nature Of Tora (Faur)
=== The Tora Aims For The Well-Being Of Body And Soul (RaMBaM)
=== Unity Through The Torah (Reisel)
Looking for Something Good to Read?
* "The Naked Crowd: The Jewish Alternative To Cunning Humanity" [ISBN 978-1-935104-02-5]
* "What Is the Meaning of Life" [ISBN 978-1-935104-00-1]
* "We Are All God's Children" [ISBN 978-1-935104-01-8]
* "Goy" [forthcoming].
[Derusha's books and authors are changing our world]
Nothing But Joy
Sharing And Celebrating As A Community
Holding On To Our Happiness Together
The Holistic Nature Of Tora
The Tora Aims For The Well-Being Of Body And Soul
Unity Through the Torah
Have a question? Contact us!
Gil Amminadav
Elana Amminadav
About Derusha Publishing LLC
407 Jane St
2nd Floor
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Thank you and Shabbath Shalom!
Derusha Update: "Simplicity and Joy with God in Nature"
03 October 2009
=== Recalling the True Source of Nature's Bounty (RaShBaM)
=== Remembering Simplicity in Times of Plenty (RaMBaM)
=== "The Whole Man Moves Together" (Midrash)
=== The Joyful Circus of the Sages on Sukkoth (Talmud)
=== "Ima Ntu" - Celebrating Sukkoth Among Igbo Jews (Ilona)
=== Serving God with Joy (Law)
=== Praying Through Nature (Breslov)
Looking for Something Good to Read?
* "The Naked Crowd: The Jewish Alternative To Cunning Humanity" [ISBN 978-1-935104-02-5]
* "What Is the Meaning of Life" [ISBN 978-1-935104-00-1]
* "We Are All God's Children" [ISBN 978-1-935104-01-8]
* "Goy" [forthcoming].
[Derusha's books and authors are changing our world]
Recalling the True Source of Nature's Bounty
Remembering Simplicity in Times of Plenty
"The Whole Man Moves Together"
The Sages expounded:
The verse states: "All my bones shall declare: God, who is like You?" [Tehillim 35:10]
The Joyful Circus of the Sages on Sukkoth
It was taught in a Baraitha:
"Ima Ntu" - Celebrating Sukkoth Among Igbo Jews
Serving God with Joy
Living with Simplicity
Praying Through Nature
Master of the universe -
Grant me the ability to be alone.
May it be my custom to go outdoors each day,
Among the trees and grasses,
Among all growing things;
There, to be alone and enter into prayer.
There, may I express all that is in my heart,
Talking with God, to whom I belong.
May all the grasses, trees, and plants awaken at my coming.
Send the power of their life into my prayer,
Making my heart and my speech whole
Through the life and spirit of growing things,
Made whole by their transcendent Source.
Oh, that they would enter into my prayer!
Then I could fully open my heart
In prayer, supplication, and sacred speech;
Then, oh God, I could pour out the words of my heart
Before Your presence.
[Meditation of R. Nahman of Breslov]
Have a question? Contact us!
Gil Amminadav
Elana Amminadav
About Derusha Publishing LLC
407 Jane St
2nd Floor
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Thank you and Shabbath Shalom!